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New posts in office365

Azure Functions - Can it be used with Office Add-in's?

Open Microsoft Office document directly from my own iOS app for in-place editing

Not able to send emails from nodemailer with office365 account in nodejs getting error Authentication unsuccessful?

Access a shared calendar (such as a meeting room via Office 365 REST API)

Fetching "cancelled" events through the Office 365 REST API

Task Pane Addin for outlook Web app

Syntax not supported by this runspace in Powershell and C#

c# powershell office365

Getting Office365 working with CFEXCHANGECONNECTION

Exchange Web Services server-to-server authentication without plaintext password?

Office365 API Authentication - Azure vs Application Registration Portal

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What browser / browser engine do Office Add-ins use?

Approve email message via exchange EWS API

MVC to Authenticate against Office 365 AD

Programmatically read/write Excel Web App on Office 365

excel api rest web office365

How to send mail via outlook using spring boot?

NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl/DefaultHostnameVerifier;

Flask mail security is not meeting Microsoft Outlook's security requirements?

Determine if a user is accessing a web app from a company machine


How can I iterate over an array and populate some cells with 1 if the array contains the value, and 0 if not ,in VBA or Excel?

How do I create an auth token with the new microsoft graph api?