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New posts in objectoutputstream

ObjectInputStream gives me an empty object (but the readed file is not empty)

Java: what file extension should I use when writing objects with ObjectOutputStream

java objectoutputstream

When would one use ObjectInputStream.readUnshared() vs .readObject()?

Overhead in java ObjectOutputStream?

Send an Anonymous class over sockets? (Object..Stream in Java)

What character encoding does ObjectOutputStream 's writeObject method use?

What's the difference between Serialization and simply store the object on disk?

Java: Use ObjectOutputStream without serializable

ObjectInputStream from file causing memory leaks

writing a BitSet to a file in java

Android Socket + ObjectOutputStream not working correctly

Cannot create ObjectInputStream with InputStream for a Bluetooth Socket on the Android Platform

create object output stream from an object

What's the difference between writeUTF and writeChars?

java io objectoutputstream

How to send Json object through java sockets?

Performance issue using Javas Object streams with Sockets

JSONObject Not Serializable?

java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: 00

How do I write multiple objects to the serializable file and read them when the program is used again?

How can I convert an Object to Inputstream