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Objective C allocating objects on the stack

objective-c object stack

Java cache and equality

Jquery add class in a variable containig html string

jquery class object

Difference in instancing object - C# basic [duplicate]

How do I create a static method that returns a reference to an object of that class?

Event Object on Firefox

"Filter" JSON for unique key and get all related values

Php, check if object with property = value exists in array of objects

php arrays object

How can I correctly remove an Object from ArrayList?

java object arraylist

Count Records in Javascript Object

javascript object

How to cast an object originated from Type A to Type B in .NET?

c# asp.net .net object casting

Get unique objects from array based on single attribute

Using `this` for Parent Function inside a Nested Function

Thread in Python : class attribute (list) not thread-safe?

How to create an object with name from string? [duplicate]

c# string object insert

Get data from an array of stdClass object

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Problems limiting object rotation with Mathf.Clamp()

object unity3d rotation clamp

How to make multiple instances of a class in C++

c++ class object

Opening a new database connection for every client that connects to the server application?

Sort List Using Different Keys

java sorting object