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"Filter" JSON for unique key and get all related values

What would be the best way to find all the possible related values with a group.

var table = [
    {group:"a", stuff:"new"},
    {group:"a", stuff:"old"},
    {group:"b", stuff:"newOld"},
    {group:"b", stuff:"old"},
    {group:"c", stuff:"new"},
    {group:"c", stuff:"old"},
    {group:"c", stuff:"newOld"},

I want populate a Dropdown containing Unique group values. and on selection I want to use all related stuff for further processing. and also want to add a group which contains all stuff. for example

on selection of all -> new, old, newOld
                a -> new, old
                b -> newOld, old
                c -> new, old, newOld
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apaleja Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 01:01


2 Answers

short and precise, without the overhead of looking up the entry each time in the whole array:

var groups = {all:{}};
    if (!groups[a.group]){ groups[a.group] = {}; }
    groups[a.group][a.stuff] = groups["all"][a.stuff] = 1;

List the stuff in an object, thus you have no duplicate entries (that's why the rather redundant =1). But you could easily extend it to count the duplicates:

    if (!groups[a.group]){ groups[a.group] = {}; }
    var stuff = groups["all"][a.stuff];
    groups["all"][a.stuff] = !stuff ? 1 : ++stuff;
    stuff = groups[a.group][a.stuff];
    groups[a.group][a.stuff] = !stuff ? 1 : ++stuff;

The result will look like the following:

// "groups" holds all group elements and their stuff values
groups = { "all": {"new":2,"old":3,"newOld":2},
           "a" : {"new":1,"old":1},
           "b" : {"newOld":1,"old":1},
           "c" : {"new":1,"old":1,"newOld":1}

To retrieve the values of a group, simply say:

var groupname = "a"; // whatever group you need
// will give you:


Gotta watch out for support of Object.keys and Array.prototype.forEach of course.

like image 105
Christoph Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 03:01



Using grep, map and unique (the usage of unique can be removed if "All" isn't needed). Here's the code :

function getOptions(value) {
    //check if value sent in is an option or "All" options
    var isAll = value === "All" ? true : false;
    var forVal;
    //If its "All" options
    if (isAll) {
        //yes, "All" has been chosen. yay!

        //retreive all the values in "stuff" keys in array
        var internal = $.map(table, function (r) {
            return r["stuff"];
        //get the unique values in internal[]
        forVal = $.unique(internal);

        //or use grep instead if u like to use unique with only DOM elements

    } else {

        //use grep to filter out the other options except the chosen option
        var internal = $.grep(table, function (row) {
            return row["group"] === value;

        //rip out the the values in "stuff" keys in internal[]
        forVal = $.map(internal, function (r) {
            return r["stuff"]
    //return the output variable
    return forVal;


We've got a dropdown with these options - a, b, c, All.

<select id="questions">

When an option is chosen, you'd like to get the relevant output from getOption() and display it as another select.

$("select").change(function () {
    //remove all #result select boxes - litter of previous option selection
    //get the options from the getOptions function
    var source = getOptions(this.value);
    //declare a select tag - will be inserted into <body> later
    var $select = $("<select/>", {
        "id": "result"
    //construct an array of <option> tags
    var $options = $.map(source, function (r) {
        return $("<option/>", {
            "html": r
    //append $options to <Select> and then append $select to <body>

DEMO http://jsfiddle.net/hungerpain/tSR5P/



  1. Docs : http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.map/
  2. What it does : Translate all items in an array or object to new array of items. Kinda like a re-shaper of your json object.


  1. Docs : http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.unique/
  2. What it does : Removes duplicates from an array.


  1. Docs : http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.grep/
  2. Finds the elements of an array which satisfy a filter function.

Hope this helps!

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krishwader Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 03:01
