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C# - Returning mixed types in a function

c# object return

Why does `==` sometimes work for Strings? [duplicate]

java object reference equality

How can I create/instantiate an object from an if-else statement?

Display JavaScript Object in HTML

javascript object dom

create object of the same class that passed object in php

php class oop object

Java String Constant Pool - Number of Objects Created

java string object

What is the meaning and use of the sentence "C++ compilers use a binary object layout"

First element in object is undefined using += operator

Extend "object" with a null check more readable than ReferenceEquals

c# object null referenceequals

Create a JavaScript object from string

javascript object dom

aurelia-fetch-client create request headers on the fly

object header aurelia

pushing to object not working correctly in JavaScript

How To Read Values Within Arrays In Immutable.js

In Javascript, is there a way to count how many created objects I've made?

Reversing part of the CompareTo method from custom objects

Creating Javascript Object without explicitly defining the keys? [duplicate]

javascript object

JavaScript Object.assign not working on Date object

Is type also object in Swift? and what's the meaning of sending a message to an object

swift object message

How to get property names of objects in array?

javascript arrays object

Create a variable to hold objects of different types C++