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New posts in object-detection

Suggested CNN Frameworks for Object Detection in Satellite Imagery?

Updating Tensorflow Object detection model with new images

How Yolo calculate P(Object) in the YOLO 9000

Validation loss for pytorch Faster-RCNN

[Tensorflow][Object detection] ValueError when try to train with --num_clones=2

How can i use tensorflow object detection to only detect persons?

Creating OpenCV Haar Classifier from an existing model

How can I rotate an image based on object position?

OpenCV: Prevent HoughCircles method from using Canny Detection

Selecting tensorflow object detection API training hyper parameters

small object detection with faster-RCNN in tensorflow-models

What is the best solution for rotation invariant detector?

mAP decreasing with training tensorflow object detection SSD

tf object detection api - extract feature vector for each detection bbox

WARNING:tensorflow:Ignoring detection with image id despite true config parameters