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How can relative paths in my C# class work with NUnit 3.x?

Trying to use Moles with NUnit. Getting "Moles requires tests to be an instrumented process"

nunit moles

What are the pros and cons to have a seperate project devoted to unit-tests only?

Access the error message in ModelState error dictionary in ASP.net MVC unit test

Moq TargetParameterCountException with lambda expression

c# lambda nunit moq

NUnit doesn´t run my new Tests

c# unit-testing nunit

Is it bad practice to have unit tests run in a loop?

c# unit-testing nunit

Text output from tests using Visual Studio 2008 + Resharper + NUnit

Getting started with automated integration/unit testing in an existing code base

Really basic moq example fails

c# .net unit-testing nunit moq

How can this code throw a NullReferenceException?

c# nunit

NUnit Async Testing in Xamarin Not Working

Change value in app.config within TeamCity

Testing un-compilable code in NUnit

c# .net unit-testing nunit

Multiple assertions when unit testing constructor?

Keep your Source Close and your Unit Tests Closer

c# unit-testing nunit

Rhino Mock Entity Framework using UnitofWork Pattern not working