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New posts in nsurlconnection

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1003 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found

iOS background Location not sending http request

AFNetworking/NSURLConnection receiving NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=9 "The operation couldn’t be completed. Bad file descriptor"

Cancel NSURLConnection started with sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:?

Unable to get destinationURL data in connectionDidFinishDownloading for ios5

xcode4 nsurlconnection ios5

NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest with ARC

iphone nsurlconnection read cookies

Authentication with NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest with completion handler

How do I get the default user-agent string in an NSURLConnection?

iOS: Data Sessions vs Ephemeral Sessions

OAuth 2 bearer Authorization header

Stop current NSURLConnection

The certificate for this server is invalid

Do I need to replace NSURLConnection in order to achieve mandatory support for IPv6-only services?

ios ios9 nsurlconnection ipv6

ApplicationWillTerminate NSURLSession Possible?

Determining Trust With NSURLConnection and NSURLProtectionSpace

NSError codes: URL Loading system errors that mean loss of network

iphone ios nsurlconnection

Read NSURLresponse