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New posts in nsthread

Can I assign my own "thread names" in Xcode?

How to wait in NSThread until some event occur in iOS?

applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillEnterForeground method are not called when pressed home button in iOS simulator

is it ok to use of a notification to communication back to the main thread of an IOS app? (cf performSelectorOnMainThread)

Perform UI Changes on main thread using dispatch_async or performSelectorOnMainThread? [duplicate]

How to wait for a thread to finish in Objective-C

NSThread sleepfortimeinterval blocks main thread

ios nsthread

How to pause an NSThread until notified?

cocoa nsthread

calling selector with two arguments on NSThread issue

iphone objective-c nsthread

Xcode: How to set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1?

Is it ok to create a UIView on a background thread?

Grand Central Dispatch vs. NSThread

NSOperation - Forcing an operation to wait others dynamically

dispatch_get_main_queue() in main thread

need some clarifications about dispatch queue, thread and NSRunLoop

NSThread vs. NSOperationQueue vs. ??? on the iPhone

MBProgressHUD blocking user interaction

Difference in scheduling NSTimer in main thread and background thread?

ios5 nstimer nsthread

Objective-C find caller of method

How to check current thread in Swift 3?