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New posts in nssortdescriptor

Sort descriptors with NSFetchedResultsController - Swift

NSFetchRequest without sort descriptors

Sorting Array Using NSSortDescriptor [duplicate]

NSSortDescriptor not sorting integers correctly

NSFetchedResultsController / Parent-Child

Custom sorting with NSFetchedResultController (subclassing NSSortDescriptor)

NSSortDescriptor - push # and numbers to the end of the list - iphone xcode

iphone nssortdescriptor

NSSortDescriptor to sort by number of items in Core Data To-Many Relationships

NSSortDescriptor evaluating ascending numbers (Swift)

Locations in Core Data sorted by distance via NSFetchedResultsController?

Sort NSArray with custom objects

Problem with NSSortDescriptor using custom comparator via selector

Sort array that contain alphanumeric words in iOS [duplicate]

NSSortDescriptor on transient attribute for NSFetchedResultsController

Help sorting an NSArray across two properties (with NSSortDescriptor?)

Core Data Sort By Multiple Sort Descriptors With CaseInsensitiveCompare

objective-C, sort an array of strings containing numbers [duplicate]

unsupported NSSortDescriptor (comparator blocks are not supported)

Sorting with sortedArrayUsingDescriptors and Key Paths