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New posts in nsevent

Getting Key down event in an NSView controller

how to handle key events in iphone

mouseEntered event disabled when mouseDown (NSEvents Mac)

In OSX, how to determine which keyboard generated an NSEvent?

NSTextView: how to disable single clicks but still allow selection for copy-and-paste?

cocoa nstextview nsevent

Register for global file drag events in Cocoa

Using arrow keys in cocoa?

NSMenu Pressed Mouse Button in 10.5

NSEvent: test for only one modfierkey

cocoa nsevent modifier-key

How to capture Unicode from key events without an NSTextView

cocoa unicode nsevent

Receiving double-click event

Send NSEvent to background app

Cocoa Listen to Keyboard command+up Event

Mouse Events Bleeding Through NSView

cocoa nsview nsevent

How to stop listening for NSEvents?

objective-c cocoa nsevent

Mac Cocoa: How to differentiate if a NSScrollWheel event is from a mouse or trackpad?

cocoa nsevent trackpad

Modify NSEvent to send a different key than the one that was pressed