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New posts in keyboard-hook

Anything wrong with spamming GC.KeepAlive(KeyboardHookPointer)?

How to listen keyboard in background and fire keystrokes on demand?

Using KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT to determine first key press

Remembering and replaying keystrokes in C# : synchronisation issues

Bypass refresh behavior of Firefox

C# - How to send small letters with SHIFT key using SendKeys.Send?

c# .net sendkeys keyboard-hook

How do you implement global keyboard hooks in Mac OS X?

macos keyboard-hook

Low level keyboard hook set with SetWindowsHookEx stops calling function in C#

System wide keyboard hook on Vista and later

key capture using global hotkey in C#

Error when using SetWindowsHookEx in Windows XP, but not in Windows 7

How to determine the current input language?

Low level keyboard hook & keystrokes from rawinput

Windows Global Keyboard Hook - Delphi

How to hook external process with SetWindowsHookEx and WH_KEYBOARD

wxPython: Catching key events globally

Low-level Keyboard Hooks/SendInput with Winkey+L possible? (workstation lockout is intercepted in Vista and higher)

Modify NSEvent to send a different key than the one that was pressed