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New posts in nsdate

Where is the extra 75 seconds coming from?

Is there a simple way of converting an ISO8601 timestamp to a formatted NSDate?

Checking if one NSDate is greater than another

objective-c nsdate

Difference between 2 dates in seconds ios

ios nsdate nstimeinterval

How to parse a date string into an NSDate object in iOS?

How can I get the current month as String? [duplicate]

ios swift date nsdate nscalendar

Getting the last day of a month

How to add hours to an NSDate?

Core Data Save Error (NSValidationErrorKey, Cocoa error 1570) saving NSDate

xcode core-data nsdate

NSDate - Convert Date to GMT

ios objective-c swift nsdate gmt

Difference between two NSDate objects -- Result also a NSDate

How to calculate the age based on NSDate

ios date nsdate foundation

How can I set an NSDate object to midnight?

How to convert string to date to string in Swift iOS? [duplicate]

Minimum and maximum date in UIDatePicker

Swift 3 - find number of calendar days between two dates

nsdate swift3 nscalendar

Check if date is before current date (Swift)

Converting UTC date format to local nsdate

ios swift date timezone nsdate

Calculating the number of days between two dates in Objective-C

How do I get the current date in Cocoa

objective-c cocoa nsdate