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New posts in nsdate

NSDate set timezone in swift

swift nsdate

Convert NSDate to NSString

NSDateFormatter and yyyy-MM-dd

Limiting UIDatePicker dates from a particular time. Such as Input DOB to a restricted age limit

Making Date With Given Numbers

Static computed variable gets instantiated more than once

Escape NSDateFormatter String

NSString to NSDate for yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS+05:30 format

Human friendly date descriptions with NSDate on iOS

Compare two NSDates for same date/time [duplicate]

How to check if 24 hours have passed in Swift

swift3 nsdate

How to calculate first NSDate of current week?

iphone cocoa-touch nsdate

Setting an NSDate to specific date, time and timezone

iphone xcode nsdate init

Date._unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(NSDate?) crash in Swift 3

date swift3 nsdate

Create NSDate Monotouch

iOS : Switching between 12/24 hour times from strings

Why isn't my time zone being saved into my NSDate?

Using core plot for iPhone, drawing date on x axis

How to sort an array of dates in descending order

Find out if an NSDate is today, yesterday, tomorrow

iphone ios nsdate