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New posts in nsdate

How to display time in 12 hour format in Objective-C?

How to set repeat frequency in User Notification [duplicate]

Change system date for Cocoa unit testing

iOS create date in the future ignoring daylight savings

How to mock NSDate in Swift?

How to store dates without times in Core Data

cocoa core-data nsdate

Converting a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count in Objective C

NSDateComponentsFormatter's stringFromDate(_, toDate:) returns nil

How can I use NSDateFormatter to get the string "Yesterday"? [closed]

ios nsdate nsdateformatter

How can I make a countdown from the current date to a specific NSDate?

ios label nsdate countdown

NSDateComponents to NSDate - Swift

iphone: NSDateFormatter how to show time in 24 hours format?

How to convert NSDate to milliseconds in Objective-C? [duplicate]

objective-c nsdate

Copying an NSDate (wanting independent objects)

objective-c nsdate

How can I set only time in NSDate variable?

ios nsdate

NSTimer not firing

iOS 8 - get current date as DD/MM/YYYY

ios date nsdate

Initialize a NSDate object with a specific time

iphone nsdate

NSDate get previous week, previous month issue

ios nsdate

Adding days to NSDate

iphone objective-c ios nsdate