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New posts in nsdate

List of all American holidays as NSDates

How to find if an NSDate is within a specified range?

objective-c ios nsdate

Objective C & iOS: running a timer? NSTimer/Threads/NSDate/etc

NSDateFormatter return incorrect date from string

Problem converting Ruby on Rails DateTime to NSDate

objective-c datetime nsdate

How to determine day, month, and year as int in iOS

NSDate date method returns wrong result

Hardware-dependent NSDateFormatter dateFromString: bug (returns nil)

Swift countdown timer labels for Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds

Swift dates are equivalent under 30 nanoseconds

ios swift cocoa nsdate

Objective-C: Unicode Date Format

Set specific timezone globally for app to use

Convert "current time" to "time in minutes since 00:00" calculation help

iphone objective-c nsdate

NSCalendar, why does setting the firstWeekday doesn't effect calculation outcome?

ios cocoa nsdate nscalendar

Getting the first date of current quarter

ios nsdate nscalendar

In Swift, how can I get an NSDate from a dispatch_time_t?

Calculate business days and weekend days between 2 NSDates

Given year & month, how to check a particular day exists in that month

Get all NSDates BETWEEN startDate and endDate

iphone objective-c nsdate

Check NSString for specific date format