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New posts in nsattributedstring

Getting an image imbedded in an NSAttributedString (via NSTextAttachment) to be treated as a single character, so that it doesn't break lines?

Set Text to be Underline without Selection

How to put different headIndent (alignment) for every paragraph in UITextView

Unable to enable letter spacing (kerning) on UITabBarItem

Customize underline pattern in NSAttributedString (iOS7+)

Animated Gif inside UITextView

UITextView lineHeightMultiple Clips Top, first line, of Text

Error using Codable for NSAttributedString

Why does -[NSTextStorage replaceCharactersInRange: withAttributedString:] sometimes, sometimes not honor fonts in other character sets?

cocoa nsattributedstring

Swift Attributed Left Intended Numbered List

NSAttributedString get attributes out of bounds exception

swift nsattributedstring

iOS - Emphasise with bold strings in Localizable.strings

NSTextField (Label) Attributed Text: Select

Getting filename and path from nsfilewrapper / nstextattachment in NSAttributedString

NSAttributedString freeze UITableView

Cannot convert value of type '[String : AnyObject]?' to expected argument type '[NSAttributedStringKey : Any]?'

Change color and font of a string using NSAttributed String

Storing NSAttributedString Core Data

iOS NSAttributedString to HTML

Top-aligning text of different sizes within a UILabel