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New posts in nowrap

2 TextViews, left with ellipsis, right with nowrap, single line

fit div width to content and not to parent

css inheritance nowrap

CSS: IE: white-space: nowrap not working

whitespace nowrap css for children but not parent

css whitespace styling nowrap

css white-space:nowrap horizontal scroll bug

How to avoid text wrapping in a td with text and a right-floated label

Flexbox - fluid column with "no wrap" text

html css flexbox nowrap

jsfiddle question [duplicate]

  vs white-space:nowrap

html whitespace space nowrap

Extend a div width based on its children width

whitespace css nowrap

whitespace nowrap on span

html css whitespace nowrap

Why do "inline-block" elements in a "nowrap" div overflow?

overflow css nowrap

white-space: nowrap; and flexbox did not work in chrome

Disable Word Wrap in an Android Multi-Line TextView

Making a piece of text non-breaking?

html css nowrap

Attribute 'nowrap' is considered outdated. A newer construct is recommended. What is it?

How to make a DIV not wrap?

html css word-wrap nowrap