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How to store distance between cities and towns in DB efficiently

Is there a performant JSON based DB with a client side implementation?

Query mongodb to return documents created today

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OrientDB geolocation

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Spring data mongodb query for subdocument field

Mongodb: Finding and updating object property from array

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Is there a way to version objects in Firebase that are meant to be read-only?

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NoSql database for domain events

Best NoSql for querying date ranges?

Why is multi-value field a bad idea in relational databases

Using Spring Data Mongodb, is it possible to get the max value of a field without pulling and iterating over an entire collection?

Amazon DynamoDB and relationship many-to-many

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Log viewing utility database choice

Modelling NoSQL database (when converting from SQL database)

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Best way to group by date with Mongoid

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Struggling with nosql/Parse data model design

Elasticsearch distinct filter values

Query nested documents with C# MongoDB

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1:1 and group chat schema in NoSQL / MongoDB

mongodb nosql