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Is natural language Turing complete?

Unable to recreate Gensim docs for training FastText. TypeError: Either one of corpus_file or corpus_iterable value must be provided

python nlp gensim fasttext

Compare many text files that contain duplicate "stubs" from the previous and next file and remove duplicate text automatically

Parsing text into sentences?

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How to estimate the quality of a web page?

True definition of an English word?

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How to make use of USE SharpNlp in my C# application

c# nlp

Stop words and stemmer in java

using Dependency Parser in Stanford coreNLP

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Checking English Grammar with NLTK [closed]

What is the difference between a trait, freetext and keyword and which should I use in wit.ai

nlp wit.ai

SpaCy model training data: WikiNER

python nlp dataset spacy

Is it possible to parse emojis using spaCy?

python nlp emoji spacy

BertWordPieceTokenizer vs BertTokenizer from HuggingFace

SpaCy can't find table(s) lexeme_norm for language 'en' in spacy-lookups-data

python nlp spacy

Stop-word elimination and stemmer in python

python nlp stemming stop-words

Caching of the data of a big file in memory in java

Date Extraction from Text

date nlp stanford-nlp

How to install gensim from anaconda prompt?

Best Text Editor for NLP

nlp text-editor