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New posts in ninject

Get ninject factory extension to allow factory parameters be passed to dependencies

Ninject Dependency Injection for SignalR

Ninject dependency for Ninject.Web.WebApi.OwinHost v3.2.x

Creating objects based on a string using Ninject

Does anyone know of a good guide to get Ninject 2 working in ASP.NET MVC?

asp.net-mvc ninject

Resolving automatic and manual dependencies

Appropriate Repository LifeCycle Scope w/ Ninject in MVC

Named Services in IoC Containers - A Bad Idea?

Dependency Injection: How to configure interface bindings for wrapping

NLog not finding or loading configuration file

c# ninject config nlog

Ninject throws Activation Exception in a WebApi project with multiple assemblies

Ninject with MVC4 - Binding all assemblies in bin folder

Ninject kernel binding overrides

Replace Spring.Net IoC with another Container (e.g. Ninject)

How does ninject work at a high level, how does it intercept object instantiation?

RequestScope() and Kernel.Get<> in Ninject

Why won't Ninject resolve protected properties in a base class?

asp.net-mvc-3 ninject

Making Ninject Interceptors work with async methods

Ninject : Constructor parameter

SignalR 2.0 Injecting Interfaces with Ninject