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New posts in neural-network

What makes GPUs so efficient in neural network computations?

Neural Network composed of multiple activation functions

LSTM/RNN many to one

How to use keras for binary classification?

Add dense layer before LSTM layer in keras or Tensorflow?

Matrix dimensions not matching in back propagation

How is the output h_n of an RNN (nn.LSTM, nn.GRU, etc.) in PyTorch structured?

Change the input size in Keras

Why is ReLU used in regression with Neural Networks?

What is freezing/unfreezing a layer in neural networks?

Separation and pattern matching techniques

Optimal Feature-to-Instance Ratio in Back Propagation Neural Network

Is conversion to gray scale a necessary step in Image preprocessing?

Using neuralnet with caret train and adjusting the parameters

Save trained Neural network

c# neural-network

TensorFlow MLP not training XOR

Is it ok to only use one epoch?

How to output a prediction in Tensorflow?

Possible/maybe category in deep learning

Keras: early stopping model saving

python neural-network keras