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New posts in neural-network

Tensorflow LSTM RNN output activation function

How to implement weight decay in tensorflow as in Caffe

Using tensorflow models in web applications

Keras TimeDistributed - are weights shared?

Keras Training warm_start

Why are Embeddings in PyTorch implemented as Sparse Layers?

Keras KerasClassifier gridsearch TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects

Is fit_generator in Keras supposed to reset the generator after each epoch?

Does normalizing images by dividing by 255 leak information between train and test set?

Neural network is not giving the expected output after training in Python

Why in preprocessing image data, we need to do zero-centered data?

Why plot_model in Keras does not plot the model correctly?

model.predict_classes is deprecated - What to use instead?

Early stopping in Bert Trainer instances

Looking for interesting topic from neural networks area [closed]


How to use neural networks to solve "soft" solutions?

Neural network library for Python? [closed]

python neural-network

Delta rule vs. gradient descent?


Neural Network Diverging instead of converging

(Python) Gaussian Bernoulli RBM on computing P(v|h)