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New posts in activation-function

Custom activation with parameter

Why adding one more layer to the Tensorflow simple neural net example breaks it?

binary threshold activation function in tensorflow

Neural Network composed of multiple activation functions

Why is ReLU used in regression with Neural Networks?

How to implement RBF activation function in Keras?

Considerations for using ReLU as activation function

How do I implement leaky relu using Numpy functions

Why does almost every Activation Function Saturate at Negative Input Values in a Neural Network

Advanced Activation layers in Keras Functional API

RL Activation Functions with Negative Rewards

Is there a logit function in tensorflow?

How to implement the derivative of Leaky Relu in python?

Keras How to use max_value in Relu activation function

correct order for SpatialDropout2D, BatchNormalization and activation function?

How to specify the axis when using the softmax activation in a Keras layer?

How to use different activation functions in one Keras layer?

Does pytorch apply softmax automatically in nn.Linear

List of activation functions in C#

Tensorflow error: Using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed