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New posts in nested-attributes

accepts_nested_attributes_for to link to existing record, not create a new one

Angular JS ngResource with nested resources

What rules does HTML follow when constructing parameters?

Better solution for nested Backbone.js collections

<Child's Parent> can't be blank while using accepts_nested_attributes_for (Rails 4)

Rails 4.0 with Devise. Nested attributes Unpermited parameters

Rails: radio button selection for nested objects

Rails 4 deleting nested attributes, works on create but not on edit/update

Alternative for accepts_nested_attributes_for - maybe virtus

How should I use rails and simple_form for nested resources?

accepts_nested_attributes_for with has_many => :through Options

rails ActiveAdmin nested form has_one accepts_attributes_for formtastic issue

Can't mass-assign protected attributes

Getting fields_for and accepts_nested_attributes_for to work with a belongs_to relationship

Nested attribute update_attributes uses insert rather than update

Rails 3: How does "accepts_nested_attributes_for" work?

Nested models and parent validation

accepts_nested_attributes_for with belongs_to polymorphic

Rails after_initialize only on "new"

Does accepts_nested_attributes_for work with belongs_to?