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Shoud I prefer <nav><ul><li><a-or-other-tag> or <nav><a-or-other-tag>, from an accessibility standpoint? [duplicate]

Should we put <ul> tag inside <nav> tag?

html nav

Bootstrap 3.0.0 nav vertical collapse responsive

jQuery Owl Carousel 2 hide navigation

jquery class nav owl-carousel

html5 NAV TAG proper usage

html navigation nav

Add data attribute to wp_nav_menu

How would I turn the navbar into a hamburger menu when on mobile

adding search bar to the nav menu in wordpress

wordpress search nav

How to put a menu over the full width of the page using HTML and CSS?

html css menu nav

What major sites are using the HTML5 nav element? [closed]

html nav

Hide menu items one-by-one on window resize

Bootstrap, nav-tabs, dropdown menus; how to set active tab based on URI

php twitter-bootstrap uri nav

Rotate image on toggle with jQuery

jquery rotation nav

Can the HTML5 <nav> element be used to group links that filter or reorder main content?

html semantics nav

Yii2 Nav widget : active item

yii2 nav

Sticky Header - Scroll with Tabs

Is it preferable to select class or <nav> element? [closed]

html css nav

How to align navbar to center with css

html css nav

preventing <nav> to appear as "untitled section" on html5 websites

html navigation semantics nav