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New posts in namespaces

Where do I put constant strings in C++: static class members or anonymous namespaces?

Documenting namespaces with Doxygen

Why can't namespaces be template parameters?

Remove namespace prefix while JAXB marshalling

Namespace aliasing in F#?

f# namespaces alias

unexpected 'use' (T_USE) when trying to use composer

php oop namespaces

What is the difference between a namespace, a class, an object and an instance?

c# oop namespaces

How can I use my specs for their intended purposes if they are in a separate namespace?

C# Namespace Alias qualifier (::) vs Dereferencing Operator (.)

Why are some functions in <cmath> not in the std namespace?

c++ namespaces cmath

explicitly refer to a class without a namespace in C#

c# .net namespaces

How to use "root" namespace of php?

php namespaces

C# Namespaces and Assemblies Best Practice

c# namespaces assemblies

Why is including "using namespace" into a header file a bad idea in C++?

Swift Extension: same extension function in two Modules

CLSCompliant(true) drags in unused references

Socket.io: Namespaces, channels & co

Difference in Clojure between use and require

clojure namespaces

Naming of interfaces/abstract classes in PHP 5.3 (using namespaces)

How can I use a namespace in a Rake task dependency?

ruby namespaces rake