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New posts in namespaces

PHP Namespace Global

php namespaces

How do I import non namespaced types into IronPython?

Namespacing in C with structs

c namespaces

Prefix SOAP XML Instead direct namespace

LogicException error: Passed array does not specify an existing static method

php namespaces autoloader

How to define "anonymous namespace" in C#?

c# namespaces

Creating an XML element with a namespace with XmlDocument.CreateElement()

c# .net xml namespaces

What purpose does extern alias serve in C#?

c# .net namespaces

XPath and namespace specification for XML documents with an explicit default namespace

Get the App Namespace in Laravel 5

namespaces laravel-5

Nice way to declare enums in C++ without bloating the namespace

c++ enums namespaces standards

How do make unwanted namespaces to not appear by default on top of new classes

Creating a container 'thing' in C++ to hold static functions. What should 'thing' be?

template specialized on a namespace

c++ templates namespaces

Export part of the namespace of a class

Rails namespaced routes work in development but not production

C# type or namespace expected confusion

c# types namespaces

Store hierarchical Const data

c# .net namespaces constants

In PHP, is there a way to get all declared classes in a specific namespace?

php oop reflection namespaces

How to find elements by attribute namespace in XPath

xml xpath namespaces