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PHP and SQL Server - Thoughts

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PHP/mysql - My timestamp does not like to be in a greater than (>) statement

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How to get the minimum of 3 values where some of them may be null in MySQL using LEAST()?

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MySQL Performance: Many tables or many rows?

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Adding (SELECTING) two more other columns to this resultset

Mysql Storing a variable with the result of an SELECT CASE

MYSQL Null Empty IsSet


MySQL: Concat all columns

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Mysql : How to synchronize databases after having been offline using replication?

How to lazy load items from mysql db like facebook and twitter (infinite scrolling)

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Get MAX and MIN values along with their row id?


Transfer old 3.23.49 MySQL database to 5.0.51 MySQL database - Encoding in ANSI and UTF-8

Single MySQL session per python\django process

Sanitizing when storing serialized array

Optimal single query for checking if record exists in either/or table


Drupal 7 - query using BETWEEN not working

Rails rounding float number on DB level

replicate-do-table unable to start slave mysql

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Substitute for MySQL's variables in PostgreSQL?

Select highest record of type per foreign key

mysql sql