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How does one create product collections in Ubercart?

Include OpenId in drupal

How to make a Drupal 7 module use up a .tpl.php template in the theme folder

how to overwrite drupal default message when posting comments?

Drupal 7 - query using BETWEEN not working

what is the purpose of Id in drupal .info

Get current page/url in a hook

Where to declare variables common to different include files in a module - Drupal

Drupal 8 add javascript and pass data in a hook with custom module

Drupal 7 redirect to a specific page (a tab) after form submit

Drupal 6 module install file not creating tables in database

drupal drupal-modules

Theming Drupal 7's Ubercart "/cart" page

Apply Drupal 8 Patch by Composer for fix multi fields on Signature Field

CakePHP and Drupal 6 need to talk to each other, but how?

Drupal hook_views_post_execute not getting called

Sending email with attachment

email drupal drupal-modules

Drupal 7 Webform : How to display/hide some fields based on other select option fields

drupal 7: Get user information on account creation

Create a view that displays node count?

drupal----confused by the argument $form_state