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New posts in multiple-inheritance

How can a class, extending another class, extends Object class though multiple inheritance is not allowed?

How can I ensure that an interface implementation extends a particular class?

Multiple inheritance with Entity Framework TPC

TypeErrors using metaclasses in conjunction with multiple inheritance

Need multiple inheritance functionality in C#. What am I doing wrong?

c# multiple-inheritance oop

How do you implement polymorphic behaviour with multiple inheritance?

c++ multiple-inheritance

Inheriting ActionBarSherlock and Android YouTubePlayer

Warning: defaulted move assignment operator of X will move assign virtual base class Y multiple times

PHP OOP structure problem, simulate multiple inheritance

How do I create a Mixin factory in Python?

How to only allow implementations of an interface in the same package

Convert array of pointers of derived class to array of base class pointers

Strange int value returned in multiple inheritance

c++ multiple-inheritance

How can I factor out the code duplication here?

Inheritance concept in C# [duplicate]

c# multiple-inheritance

Django - Can two or more templates be extended by one template?

Looking for a better way than virtual inheritance in C++

How does multiple inheritance in Java work? [duplicate]

java multiple-inheritance

Requiring an argument extends a particular class AND implements a particular interface