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New posts in multimedia

Updating multimedia component using TOM.NET

How to Play multiple audio files simultaneously

ios multimedia

Capture multimedia keys from a web site?

web key multimedia

How can i get the application code created by gst-launch or gstreamer pipeline editor?

c linux multimedia gstreamer

How to efficiently scale up video frame using NDK

Which framework to use for media

Hardware video decoding on Android using GStreamer

How to play sound in Qt5 (Qt4 migration)?

c++ qt multimedia phonon qt5

What is the best way to play video file in Delphi?

delphi multimedia

Does android support APIs for implementing RTP,RTSP for VoIP and PTT Project?

android voip multimedia rtsp rtp

possible to create ebook programmatically? [closed]

Changing speed of a sound file

algorithm audio multimedia

How to programmatically control the volume of my pc?

How to check if a microphone and a speaker are from the same sound card?

c++ windows audio multimedia

Android: MediaRecorder @ Native code

How to play audio from a real-time stream

c# multimedia

Documentation for Python binding for MLT multimedia framework

python multimedia mlt

Is there a new Midi API for Windows Vista/7/8?

windows winapi midi multimedia

AAC ADTS raw data strange header

audio codec multimedia aac

what is the simpliest way to play sound from array data in delphi

delphi audio multimedia