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Updating multimedia component using TOM.NET

I am trying to update the metadata on the multimedia image in C# using Tridion's TOM.NET API like this

 // make changes to the component mm multimedia text;

While this works for other components, it is failing for Multimedia images.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tcm:Error xmlns:tcm="http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0" 
           ErrorCode="80040345" Category="19" Source="Kernel" Severity="2">
    <tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040345" Cause="false" MessageID="16137"><![CDATA[ 

    Unable to save Component (tcm:33-32599).
    <tcm:Line ErrorCode="80040345" Cause="true" MessageID="15747"><![CDATA[ 

    Unexpected element: MultimediaFileSize

Can you please let me know what am I doing wrong here?

like image 866
user1373140 Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 06:02


1 Answers

Thanks for your responses. I was deleting the node but at the wrong place. I update the code like this and it works fine now.

 if (localComponent.IsMultimediaComponent)


                            XmlNode multimediaFileSizeNode = localComponentXML.SelectSingleNode("//*[local-name()='MultimediaFileSize']",tridionNamespace);

                            XmlNode dataNode = multimediaFileSizeNode.ParentNode;



like image 161
user1373140 Avatar answered Mar 06 '23 18:03
