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New posts in multidimensional-array

Ruby unpack array to block

In C, does the meaning of A[i][j] depend on how A is declared?

Sum along axis in numpy array

C weird array syntax in multi-dimensional arrays

Programmatically add column names to numpy ndarray

Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation

Is it guaranteed that the type T[x][y] has the same memory layout as T[x*y] in C?

jquery serialize input with arrays

Select along one of n dimensions in array

r multidimensional-array

SetLength on multidimensional array

Walk array recursively and print the path of the walk

Quickest way to restructure an array?

Dynamic array keys

Variadic Templates Multidimensional Array Container

Creating an array of two-dimensional arrays in C#

Generating multidimensional data

Finding the (x,y) indexes of specific (R,G,B) color values from images stored in NumPy ndarrays

How to slice a 2D Python Array? Fails with: "TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple"

PHP remove duplicate values from multidimensional array

is it possible if callback in array_filter receive parameter?