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New posts in multidimensional-array

KeyError while building multidimensional dictionary in Python

Transform flat array into a hierarchical, multi-dimensional array

what's the difference between these blocks of code?

Getting all children for a deep multidimensional array

How to sort a two-dimension ArrayList

OCaml Bigarray: slower than builtin arrays?

Search for value in multidimensional array and get parent array in PHP

Syntax for dynamically allocating a 2D array of smart pointers

Max value of a 3d array in python

How to return an array of at least 4D: efficient method to simulate numpy.atleast_4d

Size of 2D array in Perl

How do I subset a 2-dimensional array in Javascript?

How to convert a Single Array into a multidimensional array in PHP?

One-dimensional array references to multi-dimensional array

Using orderBy on ng-repeat with a multidimensional array

Use a dope vector to access arbitrary axial slices of a multidimensional array?

$.grep to return property after match

Pythonic way to generate random uniformly distributed points within hollow square lamina

F# converting Array2D to array of arrays

multidimensional-array f#

using array_walk_recursive() for stdClass objects