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New posts in multi-touch

Custom textview with rotate, zoom in,zoom out and move on touch in android?

Programmatically find how many fingers in multitouch Android device supports

android multi-touch

Slider \ ScrollViewer in a touch interface not working properly

Android multitouch and getActionMasked()

android multi-touch mask

How to disable simultaneous clicks on multiple items in Jetpack Compose List / Column / Row (out of the box debounce?)

How do I enable touch on multiple buttons simultaneously in react native?

How to track touches in a consistent way between touchesBegan: and touchesEnded:?

Is there any way to get a three finger touch in the iPhone simulator

iphone multi-touch

Android multitouch! hack anyone?

android multi-touch

WPF supports touch or multi-touch screen?

c# .net wpf touch multi-touch

How to disable multi-touch in mobile application using flutter

dart flutter multi-touch

Is there a built in API for handling pinch-zoom functionality in Android

android multi-touch

Android : Multi touch and TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY

android events multi-touch

SwiftUI: Multitouch gesture / Multiple Gestures

swiftui gesture multi-touch

Android testing, how to simulate multitouch (zoom in/out) using instruments?

How to do pinch gestures on the iPhone?

Do Android/webOS devices support multi-touch Javascript events?

Get MotionEvent.getRawX/getRawY of other pointers

android multi-touch

Multitouch not working in cocos2D for iPhone