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Error debugging code in visual studio 2012 - Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to

Teamcity running build steps even when tests fail

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Is defining TestMethod's in test base classes not supported by MsTest?

unit-testing mstest

MSTest: CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent failed. The expected collection contains 1 occurrence(s) of

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Chromedriver is extremely slow on a specific machine using Selenium Grid and .net

what is the equivalent test attribute for TestFixtureSetUp of Nunit in MSTest


Running mstest from command line against Visual Studio 2012 native C++ tests

BadImageFormatException when AnyCPU test assembly implements interface from x64 production assembly

How do you create a unit test assembly for a .NET Portable Class Library?

Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe

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How to get MSTest to find my test data files?

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Using MS Test ClassInitialize() and TestInitialize() in VS2010 as opposed to NUnit

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How to Unit Test JsonResult and Collections in MSTest

How can I use PrivateObject to access private members of both my class and its parent?

c# unit-testing mstest

In Visual Studio Test, how to make a playlist which automatically excludes certain tests?

How slow is too slow for unit tests?

Is there an MSTest equivalent to NUnit's Explicit Attribute?

unit-testing nunit mstest

MSTest and app.config issue

c# msbuild app-config mstest

Using decimal values in DataRowAttribute

How do I verify that the expected array is the actual array in MSTest?

c# mstest