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New posts in ms-office

What do sites like Google Docs and Zoho Writer use to generate MS Office documents

Why do custom file properties, set using the DSOFile library, not persist after saving?

c# .net ms-office

Installation of VSTO Office addin using WiX

"Value does not fall within the expected range." error while exporting excel to pdf

Office Addin - programmatically import *.exportedUI settings file

c# excel vsto ms-office

Retrieve multiple cell properties from Excel in a single call?

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The Url of dialog box does not work with angular.bootstrap (infinite $digest Loop)

How to know if the VBA component of Office is installed?

ms-office vba excel

Is it possible to extract Meta information from MS office files and/or PDFs with PHP?

php pdf metadata ms-office

Programmatically Determine If An Excel File (.xls) Contains Macros

How to register VSTO add-in from a Wix# MSI installer

c# wix vsto ms-office

Excel custom format: What does [$€-2] mean?

Unicode Language Support in the VBA editor

Converting docx to pdf via JODConverter and LibreOffice causes error

Display Excel account username in a cell on open

vba excel ms-office

Submit add-ins with custom functions (update?)

Generate ODT/DOC(X) and convert to PDF, without OO.o/MS

Syntax highlighting in MS Word

c# ms-word ms-office

Choosing between Excel Add-In, Template and Workbook?