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New posts in moshi

How to parse polymorphic objects in Kotlin using Moshi

json kotlin jsonparser moshi

How to fallback on a enum if values don't match in Moshi

enums moshi

How to parse unknown key jsons using Moshi

java android retrofit moshi

Can't parse Json String with Moshi

jsonparser moshi

How to distinguish long and double-values when deserializing with moshi?

java json moshi

How to deserialize generic class members with moshi?

android retrofit moshi

How Moshi applies the default value of kotlin to the null field of json

android json moshi

Moshi HashMap deserializer

android moshi

How to serialize ArrayList<float[]> using Moshi JSON library for Android


Kotlin-moshi codegen inheritance with default values

android kotlin moshi

Deserialize a field that can be one of two data types using Moshi

java android json kotlin moshi

ClassNotFoundException with moshi in Unity

unity3d gradle moshi

How can I parse Nested JSON with dynamic keys in Android kotlin, Moshi and Retrofit?

Moshi LocalDateTime adapter with multiple format

kotlin java-time moshi

Turn string date from json to a Date object with Moshi

android retrofit2 moshi

SerializedName annotation doesn't seem to work in Moshi

android retrofit2 moshi