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how to remove attributes from a Mongoid Model, i.e., not just nullifying their values

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Mongoid: Querying for documents for certain fields which contains a given string


RSpec/Mongoid: Expect to change count on embedded models

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Mongoid document Time to Live

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Or conditions in mongoid

Mongoid w/ Rails, attr_accessible --> "No method found"

Configuring RSpec with new Rails/MongoID application

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What's the best tutorial for learning Mongoid? [closed]

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Intersecting Mongoid "in"-Queries

Rails ElasticSearch model with fields

User auth example in Rails 3, using Devise, OmniAuth, Mongoid, and JSON responses

How to enforce unique embedded document in mongoid

Top level constant referenced by warning for Mongoid model

How to migrate from belongs_to, to embedded_in in Mongoid?

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Mongoid : The Validation "validates_uniqueness_of" is only triggered when the specific field changes

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embedded document vs hash datatype in mongoid

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How to union two different Mongoid Criteria