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New posts in mongodump

mongodump and mongorestore changes order of documents

Multiple databases and collections mongodump

bash mongodb mongodump

mongodump from remote node - unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-256"

mongodb mongodump

Printing mongodump or mongorestore command output to a log file

Dump remote database: Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers

How to use backup and restore all databases from mongodb?

how to restore a collection or collections in mongodb from an archive file?

Mongodb data files become smaller after migration

How to resolve mongodump error "not recognized"?

mongodb mongodump

Error 10334 "BSONObj size is invalid" when importing a back up with mongorestore

mongodump gives segmentation fault

mongodb mongodump

mongodump - range query on timestamp filed raising FailedToParser Error

mongodb mongodump

mongodump will not honor query on collection

mongodb mongodump

MongoDB upgrade from 3.6 to 4.0: How to fix the "collection does not have uuid in kvcatalog" exception?

Mongodb database backup on windows

mongodb mongodump nosql

mongodump with replica set with oplog throws error: "oplog mode is only supported on full dumps"

mongodb mongodump

mongodb dump fails with cannot unmarshal DNS message

mongodb mongodump