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New posts in mongodb-.net-driver

Is there mongodb C# driver support System.Dynamic.DynamicObject in .NET 4?

How can I update mongodb document for adding a new item to array?

C# mongodb driver 2.0 - How to upsert in a bulk operation?

Upserting in Mongo DB and the Id problem

How to insert data into a mongodb collection using the c# 2.0 driver?

ReplaceOne throws duplicate key exception

Collection ID length in MongoDB

C# MongoDB Driver - How to use UpdateDefinitionBuilder?

How do I use the AsQueryable method asynchronously with MongoDb C# Driver 2.1?

How to save date properly?

What is the most mature MongoDB driver for C#?

Convert MongoDB BsonDocument to valid JSON in C#

What is the right way to manage MongoDB connections in ASP.Net MVC?

BsonSerializationException when serializing a Dictionary<DateTime,T> to BSON

Can I do a text query with the mongodb c# driver

MongoDB C# Query for 'Like' on string

How to remove one 'document' by 'ID' using the Official C# Driver for MongoDB?

Unit of work in mongodb and C#

How does MongoDB deal with concurrent updates?

How to check if collection exists in MongoDB using C# driver?