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New posts in mobile-website

JSF based framework for touch websites

Firing onItemDisclosure event causes itemtap event to fire

jQuery Mobile popup is not opening on .popup('open')

Programming Websites For Mobile Devices


CSS3 Media Queries are not working

Is there an Android equivalent to Google Maps URL scheme for iOS?

android mobile-website

Force download mp3 for mobile site on iPhone

Is it possible to receive tilt events in JavaScript on mobile Webkit for iOS or Android phones? [closed]

Mobile or desktop browser detection and redirect to respective web page

Which is preferred oldest browser and shortest Screen Size of mobile to test website and which has Facility to surf Internet and still in use? [closed]

html css xhtml mobile-website

Will any user disable JavaScript in mobile browsers like iphone, android? even if device is capable?

Android Web Browser Scaling Works More Effectively for Images than Sprites

Do any automated browser testing tools support iOS and Android browsers? [closed]

CSS media queries that capture high-resolution phones, but not lower resolution tablets

How to fetch device information from a progressive web app

List of UserAgent String Values

asp.net mobile-website

Jquery mobile header links overlap with long text

iPhone Browser emulator with orientation detection