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New posts in migration

Visual Studio Online migration (VSO to VSO) - not just code

How to deploy: database, source and binary changes in 1 patch?

deployment migration patch

Combining 2 rails apps to a single codebase

Custom code execution in EF migrations

Duplicate RxJS import warning

How to guerilla VC with git while forced to use CVS at work?

git migration cvs git-cvs

Multiple database connections: schema_migrations is looked up in the wrong database

Entity Framework Oracle and Sql Server - how to build a database independent application

Why php array gets slower with newer php versions, and how to go around that?

Rails creating a table without migration

ALTER TABLE lhm migration deletes existing values

Can I dynamically load additional Spring configuration files into an existing WebApplicationContext?

iPhone CoreData migration fails with "Can't find model for source store"

Wordpress users migration to rails devise

EF Migrations, Output Text to Nuget Console

Swift Realm Property '*' has been added to latest object model MIGRATION

swift migration realm

Define partial index in Sequelize migration?

Nuget: Migrating multiple large Solutions to PackageReference

Migrating application to use Guice - how to inject transactions into existing objects?

Code first custom connection string and migrations without using IDbContextFactory

c# ef-code-first migration