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New posts in messaging

Trade-offs implementing versioning of services accessed by reliable async messaging?

Looking for message broker with a REST API

rest messaging amazon-sqs

Detect which SIM card has received message

MassTransit Queue Maintenance

Apache qpid queue url

How to find out all subscribers to a JMS topic have replied?

java jms messaging

Pub/sub while maintaining an access to the full state of the system

RabbitMQ: prefetched messages processing

spring rabbitmq messaging amqp

How to read RCS messages from android device programmatically

android sms messaging mms

How to have ZeroMQ to timeout messages that are outbound queued, but haven't been sent within a set time?

go zeromq messaging

Actor Model for instant messaging app?

JMS fault tolerant asynchronous publisher

java jms messaging

Approach to handle long-lived processes with Camel

How mature is the Spring websocket and messaging support?

using sendmessage to send wm_close to another process

Shared Database vs. Messaging Architecture