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New posts in merge-conflict-resolution

Why does git show a conflict between two apparently identical added files?

Git GUI on Windows: merging conflicts

Git conflicts in pull requests

GitHub Pull Request complex conflicts

git merge conflict after git amend - "Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged"

Merging a feature branch that is based off another feature branch

How do you prevent Subversion merging in stages without saying "resolve all conflicts and rerun the merge"?

A separate commit for conflict resolution with git merge

Do I have to commit a merge to make git-rerere record my conflict resolution?

Git compare "base" version with "theirs" version of a conflicted file?

GIT corrupt files (<<<<<<<<HEAD)

Git conflicted copy error while cloning a repository

Is there a way to see merge conflict on GitHub by comparing branches?

Git merging hotfix to multiple branches

Resolved git merge conflict in VS Code, but still says unresolved

Sharing rerere cache

Cleaning up after a conflicted git merge?

`git stash` during a merge conflict

Git conflict (rename/rename)

Visual Studio 2013 does not offer to do merge on Git pull