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New posts in merge-conflict-resolution

"This branch has conflicts that must be resolved" but it's already merged

Re-checking for merge conflicts in VSTS (Azure DevOps)

How to Merge Conflicts by Selecting Lines from Both?

How to stash unmerged code in git?

ERROR: Parsing unable to continue due to merge conflicts in Podfile.lock

eGit Merge Resolution - Use Your Copy

git blame while resolving merge conflicts

Re-use conflict resolution with Git

How resolve this Mercurial conflict?

why git stash cannot abandon the changes made just now?

How do I resolve conflicts with Git?

How to configure 3 way merge feature on compare in Visual Studio 2015

Resolve merge conflict only for some files and commit to branch for other teams to resolve theirs

Show conflict diff part of a merge

Cannot Merge due to conflict with UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate

Git pull aborts itself, local file changes will be overwritten by merge

Send merge conflicts to collaborators to resolve in Git

Telling git to follow moved content (not simply moved files)

Git rebase fails with conflicts, but there are no conflicts

VimDiff E93: More than one match for RE