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How do you prevent Subversion merging in stages without saying "resolve all conflicts and rerun the merge"?

I am trying to use TortoiseSVN to merge a branch that has been out of the trunk for a very long time. It has been updated with the trunk, but I don't think subversion merge tracking has been working for the entirety of this merge from trunk process. Whenever I merge, it merges only 5-10 revisions (even though it has been specified to merge from 1-HEAD) and then shows a message similar to the following...

One or more conflicts were produced while merging r6631:6637 into
'C:\Work\AllBranches\MyBranchName' -- resolve all conflicts and rerun the merge to apply the remaining unmerged revisions

The problem is the trunk is currently on r10202. If I need to do this merge process over 500 times, and it takes half a day to confirm all the merge issues it is going to take far too long to complete.

Why is subversion not merging all the revisions, why is it halting halfway through? Is there an option I can pass to allow the full merger to proceed and then allow me to manually confirm merge issues afterward?

like image 758
digiguru Avatar asked Jun 29 '11 11:06


People also ask

How do I stop tree conflict in SVN?

When you merge your branch back into the trunk, SVN tries to do the same again: It sees that a file was created in your branch, and tries to create it in your trunk in the merge commit, but it already exists! This creates a tree conflict. The way to avoid this, is to do a special merge, a reintegration.

What is merge conflict in SVN?

This is showing us that it's in a conflict state and that SVN has combined your changes with those from the latest revision found in the repository. Basically, you need to do something with this file before you can resolve the conflict and commit the merged changes to the file back into the repository.

How do I undo a SVN merge?

To revert (SVN lingo: reverse-merge) a range, simply swap the start and end revisions, e.g. -r 76100:76077 to revert -r 76077:76100 . To revert a single revision, use a negative revision ID, e.g. -c -76077 to revert r76077 (this is equivalent to -r 76077:76076 ).

1 Answers

If you use tortoiseSVN, I believe there is a option saying solve conflict later, select that one, then it will let you edit conflict after merging.

like image 108
xijing dai Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

xijing dai