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New posts in memory-leaks

possible alternative to static inner classes to prevent memory leaks in android/java?

How to avoid memory leaks using ShellExecuteEx?

Hitting low Java thread limit (503 threads)

WPF WriteableBitmap Memory Leak?

.NET Remoting Singleton memory leak, TCP, Marshal by Reference

Delayed Jobs leaking memory?

Improvements to memory leak hunting

can supervisord be used for memory and CPU usage profiling of a program

Problem with downloading multiple files using AsyncTask

Image.RotateFlip leaking memory :/

Allocation and deallocation of memory in unmanaged code using platform Invoke (C#)

Is there a way to know which objects and how many of them do i have in memory?

python - memory not being given back to kernel

Unmanaged memory leak in mscorwks help analyze

c# memory-leaks windbg

Handling memory leaks caused by an external assembly

Groovy Classes not being collected but not signs of memory leak

java memory-leaks groovy

Does ng-include have memory-leak?

memory-leaks angularjs

Javascript closure : Memory Leak

javascript memory leak with HTML5 Canvas getImageData in Chrome browser for mac OSX

Go(lang) memory usage: RSIZE growing and VSIZE of 139GB?