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New posts in mbstring

Composer Install - requires ext-mbstring

Can't get mbstring to work on Amazon linux 2 AMI

mb_convert_encoding() not working with phpunit

php phpunit mbstring

Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored

Ubuntu 16.04 The mbstring extension is missing

What does mbstring.strict_detection do?

php configuration mbstring

json_encode returns false when dealing with multibyte substring

Call to undefined function FOS\UserBundle\Util\mb_convert_case()

php symfony debian mbstring

PHP: mb_strtoupper not working

php utf-8 mbstring

PHP 7.2 and modules 'dom', 'mbstring', and 'simplexml'

PHP convert unicode spaces to ascii spaces

php unicode mbstring

Composer can't find ext-mbstring even though it is installed

PHP: Call to undefined function mb_strlen() - on custom compiled PHP with mbstring enabled

mb_convert_case undefined function (Symfony2 FOS/UserBundle)

php symfony mamp mbstring

the requested PHP extension mbstring is missing from your system

php laravel mbstring

What is the purpose of the MB_CASE_*_SIMPLE constants?

php mbstring

How do I enable mbstring extension on PHP 5, Fedora server

php apache fedora mbstring

mb_strlen() is it enough?

Debug iconv_strlen error - PHP 5.5

PHP mb_substr() not working correctly?